Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview took place in September. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2024
Millionaire Interview 385
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview took place in September. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How … [Read more...]
ChatGPT Discusses the Millionaire Money Mentors
As a reminder, there's a sale going on for members of the Millionaire Money Mentors (MMM) forums. If you're interested in that, check out this link. In ChatGPT Recommends the Millionaire Money Mentors, I had so much fun using the service that I thought I'd do it again -- and will share the results here with you. I took some time to think about what I wanted ChatGPT to … [Read more...]
ChatGPT Recommends the Millionaire Money Mentors
As a reminder, there's a sale going on for members of the Millionaire Money Mentors (MMM) forums. If you're interested in that, check out this link. Or if you prefer, you can go straight to the main page here. Today I want to talk about a new perspective on the MMM forums...from a source you have not heard from yet. You have certainly (most likely) read enough from me … [Read more...]
Millionaire Money Mentors Spring Sale 2024
This post announces our latest sale on the Millionaire Money Mentors (MMM) membership. If you want to pass on reading this post and just see the details of the sale, follow that link and you'll get the specifics. Most of you know what the site is about, but in case you don't, here's a quick summary: MMM is a forums-based membership site where millionaires discuss … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 384
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview took place in September. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview Update 54
Today I have an update for you from a previous millionaire interview. I'm letting three years pass from the initial interviews to the updates, so if you've been interviewed, I'll be in touch. ;) This update was submitted in January. As usual, my questions are in bold italics and their responses follow... OVERVIEW How old are you? I’m 49 (turning 50 in a few … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 383
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview took place in September. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How old … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview Update 53
Today I have an update for you from a previous millionaire interview. I'm letting three years pass from the initial interviews to the updates, so if you've been interviewed, I'll be in touch. ;) This update was submitted in January. As usual, my questions are in bold italics and their responses follow... OVERVIEW How old are you? I am 62 and my wife is 61. We … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 382, Part 2
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview took place in September. It's a long one so I'm breaking it into two posts to keep things manageable. If you missed part one, check out … [Read more...]