My Millionaire Interviews series is one of the most popular here at ESI Money.
And why not?
The interviews offer inside details of how millionaires have managed their money to become wealthy. What better way to learn than to hear stories and follow lessons from those who have already been successful?
Some have just over $1 million while others are over $10 million. Whatever the case, the basic principles are the same.
If you’re interested in a summary of their findings, check out my post on lessons from millionaires.
But if you’re impatient, here’s the summary: they earn, save, and invest their way to wealth, making the most of the ESI Scale.
Yet they all have a different path to becoming wealthy, which keeps the series fresh and interesting.
If you want to read all the interviews, check out my “millionaires category.”
And if you have a net worth over $1 million and would like to do an interview, drop me a note. I’d love to feature your story!