Here’s our latest interview with a retiree as we seek to learn from those who have actually taken the retirement plunge.
If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics.
My questions are in bold italics and his responses follow in black.
Let’s get started…
How old are you (and spouse if applicable, plus how long you’ve been married)?
I am 59 and my wife is 57.
We’ve been married for 33 wonderful years.
Do you have kids/family (if so, how old are they)?
We have 2 kids.
Our son is 28 and our daughter is 24.
Both have good jobs and are living independently (without college debt!).
What area of the country do you live in (and urban or rural)?
We currently live in SW Florida where we moved right after we retired.
We moved from New England to get away from high taxes and the cold, snowy climate.
Is there anything else we should know about you?
We participated in the ESI millionaire series about a year ago. We were interview #55.
We were retired about 9 months at that point.
How do you define retirement?
I believe that retirement in its purest sense is the complete absence of work for pay. Although I understand and accept that the definition is a little blurry these days.
I see and hear about folks becoming financially Independent and leaving their main career to do things more meaningful or rewarding. I suppose retirement could be defined as not needing to work or not working for someone else.
How long have you been retired?
We’ve been retired for almost 2 years.
And to sum up the theme of this interview in advance…we have ZERO regrets!
Is your spouse also retired?
Yes, my wife retired 3 months after me.
What was your career and income before retirement?
I worked for a consumer products company in a number of roles over 27 years.
I went from being an hourly paid individual contributor, to Manager of that department, to Project Management, to Director of Data Reporting and Analysis in a completely different area. I created a vision and a team in the absence of a group to do it and showed how we could add value.
I was given authority to hire a team of specialists that changed the way the company made decisions…all the way to the top.
My wife was a teacher for 30 years. Regardless what I did, or how successful I may have been, she was the one who made a real and positive difference in the lives of children.
My impact was fleeting, hers will be felt for a generation or more.
Our salaries at retirement were about $220k/year. Mine $160k, wife $60k.
Why did you retire?
Our retirements were completely voluntary and eagerly anticipated.
That doesn’t mean it was easy to walk away from almost a quarter million dollars’ worth of salary!
On the contrary, it was one of the most emotionally difficult things we’ve ever done.
We didn’t hate our jobs, but we didn’t live for them either. We both took them very seriously but agreed that they were merely a means to an end.
Our days, even after our kids went out on their own, were filled with brutally long commutes, long days, and a good amount of stress.
We agreed that getting away from that routine would help us lead healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives.
Once we felt we were financially independent and could support ourselves through 30+ years of retirement, we made the difficult choice to end our careers and start a new chapter in our lives.
When did you first start thinking seriously about retirement and when did that turn into a decision to do it?
I remember reading Work Less, Live More by Bob Clyatt back around 2006.
That was my first glimpse into what early retirement might look like and instantly I was hooked.
At that point we started getting more intentional about getting out of the workforce even though we were already saving and investing significantly.
What were the major steps you took from deciding to retire to developing a plan to do so?
Our plan was simple:
- Plow as much money into my 401K as allowed, and keep it aggressively invested while we still had time to ride out any downdrafts.
- Started to track our expenses more closely to get a handle on what we might need in retirement.
- Refinanced our home from 30 years to 15 years when rates bottomed.
- Started looking for and researching places where we might move and downsize.
What did your pre-retirement financials look like?
When we retired in spring 2017 our financials looked like this:
Net worth $1.650M
- $150K in home equity (FL)
- $1.21M Retirement Accounts (401K, Roth)
- $250K Cash, Emergency Fund, etc. (primarily from home sale in MA)
- $40K Cars (debt-free)
What was your overall financial plan for retirement?
We bought our Florida home 3 years before we retired and were able to rent it during high season and the shoulder months. That allowed us to pay for roughly 60% of the carrying costs. We used the home for about 6-7 weeks during the year while still working which accomplished three goals:
It was like going on vacation for free…but not really. 😉
It allowed us to experience the city, culture, neighbors, climate etc. before actually making the move. This is a hugely important factor in our opinion. Just because you vacationed somewhere does not mean it’s a great place to retire. We did almost 10 years of research and “test vacations” before we found the place we now call home.
We got a very good handle on the cost of living here. We knew in advance how much the insurance, utilities, taxes, mortgage, etc. would cost well before we retired.
Knowing all of that allowed us to create a tight budget to determine what it would cost to live.
I can’t overstate this enough. I read a lot about retirement and I keep seeing people ask what percentage of their current income it will take to retire.
That is a completely backward and useless way to plan!
Anyone seriously considering retirement MUST create a retirement budget of anticipated spending and then compare that to realistic and conservative income streams in retirement.
We’re lucky to have pensions. Those pensions take care of roughly 45% of our normal budget (not counting capital expenses like cars, home renovations etc.)
In addition, we have a health care plan courtesy of my wife’s previous employer that will cover us for a minimal cost until we reach 65 and go on Medicare.
Simply put, those two things (pensions and very low-cost health care) are what enabled us to retire when we did.
Did you make any specific moves to prepare your finances for retirement?
As I mentioned above, we downsized which gave us around $250k to use until we get to 59.5.
We also moved to a place where taxes are lower and the climate is better and healthier.
We also switched the allocations in our 401k to more conservative investments.
Who helped you develop this plan?
We created and executed this plan on our own with the help of a lot of online research, books, and blogs and a retirement calculator that I highly recommend.
Among the books and blogs I read and continue to be my favorites are:
- The Simple Path to Wealth (Book)
- Can I Retire Yet? (Book)
- ESI Money (of course!) (Blog)
- Budgets Are Sexy (Blog)
- Can I Retire Yet? (Blog)
The retirement calculator we use/used is called Pralana Gold.
I’ve looked at and tried numerous online calculators, and in my opinion, no others even come close…especially if you’re detail-oriented and want the best estimate of where you’ll be and what you need to get there.
At the very least, gathering the information to do this properly really makes you more aware of where you stand.
What plans did you make in advance to leave your job?
I spoke with a benefits representative about 9 months prior to my planned retirement without revealing my exact intentions. I told her I was reviewing my situation with a financial advisor. However, I’m pretty sure she knew what I was contemplating and it was going to be soon.
I made sure that the benefits I was assuming would be there actually were, and confirmed the amounts and logistics for when I decided to leave.
I learned some valuable tidbits. For instance, if I stayed until April, I would not only be eligible for my bonus, but would also get paid for all my unused vacation time for that year. With 5 weeks of vacation time, that added up to a nice sum.
What were your pre-retirement concerns (financial or non-financial)?
Without question this was and still is, one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made.
No matter how prepared you think you are, or how much calculating you’ve done, to say goodbye to a good-paying job, that comprised the lion’s share of your adult life is not for the faint of heart!
You can button up the financial side fairly well, especially if you have a cushion built in beyond your planned spending, and don’t need rely too much on the markets.
Our financial concerns, however, came in second to concerns about leaving our jobs, moving from New England to Florida, leaving our friends, dealing with being together 24/7, and whether we would find fulfillment, happiness, and contentment on our new path.
I can happily and truthfully say that those concerns are no longer in play.
We’ve made many new friends. It turns out that the area where we moved is filled with folks in a similar situation; those looking for new friends and acquaintances and have time on their hands to do a multitude of fun activities.
We love our newly adopted home and although we spend a good deal of time together, we find ways to do our own thing enough to create some separation.
How did you handle deciding on and paying for healthcare?
We are extremely lucky to have health coverage through my wife’s previous employer.
As part of a clause in her original teaching contract, they will continue to contribute to our health care in the same amount as when she was working, until she can claim Medicare.
Our health insurance currently costs about $300 per month.
How did you tell your family and friends of your plans?
We started mentioning it to our kids and parents approximately 2-3 years in advance.
We told our friends later…maybe a year out.
All were surprised…and the common question from all of them was “how are you going to swing that?”
But as you know, ESI, few if any wanted to engage in the details of how they could do it too.
Announcing to coworkers was truly surreal. I suppose because I was seen as a top-performer and successful, most thought I was a “lifer”.
They initially and mistakenly asked why…“was there some personal reason? (inferred illness)”, “did someone ask me to leave? (just plain insulting)”, and “are you taking another job?”
When I told them “no” to all of those questions and that I was retiring early, they were floored.
The shock and surprise was kind of amusing.
Then came the same question “how are you able to do that financially?”
Even though I offered to sit with anyone interested and go over some of the things we did to get there only two people sat with me.
One of them seemed like she just might give it a try, the other simply said “there’s no way I could do that” “I’m afraid I’ll be working until I’m very old”…all I can say is UGH.
How did you ultimately retire?
I must admit, once I achieved financial independence (and could see the retirement light at the end of the tunnel), it became more difficult and yet easier to do my job. I know that sounds paradoxical so I’ll explain.
My job became harder to endure because I was suddenly less interested in striving for more…the next promo, the next project, the next raise, etc.
As a result, getting up in the morning, commuting through horrible conditions and aggravating traffic seemed pointless. I kept telling myself… “why am I doing this and making myself miserable when I don’t have to?”
What made it somewhat easier was less stress related to “checking all the boxes”. No more worrying about whether a downsizing was coming, and honestly the freedom to say what I felt to anyone and everyone (within reason!).
The fear of speaking my mind faded away and in its place was “here’s what I think and why” without the fear of repercussions in terms of promotion, reputation, etc.
From a logistical perspective, I made sure my boss knew about my plans at least a year in advance. Luckily, we have been friends and peers for over 20 years, so I trusted him and didn’t want to see him blindsided.
To his credit, he appreciated the gesture and made no changes in my level of responsibility or any other negative actions that some might take.
In terms of my team, I really struggled.
They were a younger group made up of creative and intelligent professionals. For better or worse, they looked at me as not only their boss but also a mentor and someone who’s example they could emulate.
I didn’t want to tell them too late but also didn’t want to take the wind out of their sails too soon.
Ultimately, I made the decision to tell them (confidentially) two months in advance.
It would be an understatement to say they were surprised.
They took it hard and to some degree I think they felt let down. That gathering was one of the most difficult in my professional life.
We all cried together…it wouldn’t be the last time for me. The term bittersweet would apply for much of the rest of my time there.
Luckily their professionalism prevailed and they performed well right to the day I left the office for the last time.
What went well?
Fortunately, everything went as planned.
The key to that sentence is “planned”.
One of my favorite quotes, which I live every day, is: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
What didn’t go so well?
Leaving my career and all the people I had worked with (some for over 2 decades) was difficult emotionally.
I was “all-in” at work and worked to build strong and trusting relationships. I put all my passion and effort into every single day.
Walking away from that, even though I had been preparing for years, was tough.
I have no regrets however. The life I live and enjoy now is, without question, the best it’s ever been.
How did you ultimately find the courage to do it?
Our finances looked good by every measure, prediction and calculation I could come up with.
But more importantly my wife and I spoke constantly throughout the planning stages making sure that we were both committed and ready to execute our plan.
I was worried that she would get cold feet as the day drew closer. She was very committed to her job and had been at the same school for 30 years.
We both craved a life beyond work, however, and we both accomplished all we set out to do professionally.
Escaping extremely long commutes (mine 140 miles; hers 100 mile round trip) and the everyday stress of work was more than enough motivation to take this step.
When you talk about and plan something for years, and the plan holds together, it becomes more a matter of when than why.
I also believe that we drew strength from each other as we have over the course of our 33 years of marriage. We’ve always been strengthened by the “we’re in this together” mantra.
How was the adjustment, especially the first few months after retirement?
We believe one of the keys to a successful transition from work to retirement is staying busy. To that end, we had our hands more than full!
While waiting for my wife to finish school, I had already begun overseeing a “full gut” renovation of our Florida home in May.
I traveled back and forth as necessary to spend time together and to manage the sale of our home in New England.
We chose to leave for Florida the day after my wife’s last day of school.
We moved ourselves (which I would not do again!).
We finally finished the major portion of the renovation around September of 2017. It took another 9 months to do all the finish and trim work myself.
I believe that anyone who just quits work cold turkey, and then just sits around wondering what’s next, is destined to fail or at least regret the decision to leave their career. I was so focused on our move and renovation that kept me engaged and removed the opportunity to consider “oh my, what have I done?!”
How is retirement life now? What do you like about it and what do you dislike?
As they say…Life is Good. And I mean that in total sincerity.
We have discovered so many more things to like than dislike, so I’ll also put some “adjustments” in there.
And the word “discovered” is important. You simply can’t anticipate exactly what retirement will be like until you experience it.
If you’re prepared to be courageous, adventurous, spontaneous, and flexible, it will work. Nothing ever goes exactly as planned.
- Few, if any, pressing commitments.
- Very little stress
- We pretty much do whatever we want, when we want.
- We enjoy taking more time to do things that were rushed when we were working.
- Leisurely breakfast (in fact, all meals are more of an occasion than a rushed necessity)
- Exercise and working to stay fit
- Time to be social (more on this very important aspect later)
- Traffic? Who cares? We’ll get there eventually!
- Few if any money concerns.
- It is still a bit of a struggle to create a routine. On one hand, it’s great not to have a forced routine driven by work, on the other it is a bit disorienting to be responsible for what you do and when to do it when most of the time of each day is completely your own. This is an area that I’m somewhat conflicted. I crave some sort of routine, but I also shun the idea of being scheduled with any regularity. This one remains a work in progress ?
- Being together with your spouse 24/7 is a double-edged sword. While we enjoy each other’s company, and have very similar interests, we also found the need to create some “me time” apart. So we go out with friends or even just go to another part of the house (for me the garage, for her the living room reading).
- I’m somewhat introverted and although I like to spend some time with the numerous friends we’ve made here, believe it or not, that is probably my prime source of stress now. Finding a balance with an overflowing social calendar is also a work in progress.
What do you do with your time? What does an average day look like?
Even though we’re coming up on 2 years, I can’t say we have a typical or average day just yet.
We typically get up around 7:00 and to bed around 11:00.
I do some sort of exercise each day (run/walk, bike, or pickleball) but I plan to formalize that a bit more and begin to include some strength training.
My wife works out at the YMCA about 4 times a week because she likes a more social workout experience.
We eat dinner out about twice a week.
The rest of our home time is spent working around the house or running errands or taking part in some of our volunteer activities.
I still have a long list of things we want to do to our home. None of the things we have left must be done, they are more just improvements, so I’m taking them on a leisurely pace.
Currently, we intersperse house projects and regular chores (lawn, pool, cleaning, etc.) with fun activities.
Sometimes those involve visitors (because, well, everyone wants to come to FL in the winter!).
Others include biking, walking, pickleball, boating, kayaking and just sightseeing around our newly adopted state.
We’ve also become more active in our local Civic Association. I got “volunteered” to be on the board of a club within the association and my wife is active on a club that does charity work. These things take up maybe 10-15 hours a month.
Our social life has gone from zero to almost overwhelming since we moved here. There are so many people that have the time and want to do things with others like us, we actually have to scale back sometimes because it can get to be too much.
Looking back, what would you have done differently?
We would not have been in such a rush to move. Our daughter had just graduated college and she was a little freaked out about us just picking up and leaving. It’s important to note that we made sure she was all set and she was welcome to come with us, but in retrospect we should have let that stretch out a bit longer.
Among my flaws is impatience. I work on it, but sometimes it wins. I want things done now and if they aren’t, I can get frustrated. Retirement has been a good way to practice that and I think I’ve become more patient because I don’t have work and raising kids types of deadlines anymore.
It was hard to say for sure at the time how our budget would hold up, but I would have bought a slightly bigger and newer house here in FL. I would love to have a 3-car garage to have room for a better workshop. But we’re fine here, and unlikely to take that expensive step.
Was there any emotional impact from leaving the workforce?
Initially, when I left work for the last time, I was emotional.
When you do something that long and invest a good portion of your life in working hard and nurturing a career, it’s hard not to reminisce and consider the things you’ve accomplished, and the people you’ve met.
However, that was temporary. I have no desire whatsoever to go back there nor do I have second thoughts.
My wife feels the same way. She does miss some of the folks she taught with, but 30 years was more than enough in that career.
What surprises (financial or non-financial, good or bad) have you had since retiring and how have you handled them?
As mentioned a few times above…we have a more active social life than we would ever have anticipated (we had almost none when we were working). It takes energy and commitment to “get out there” and meet people, but it has been very rewarding and fun to spend time with our new circle of friends.
Financially, we have raised our spending budget from around $80k per year to about $90k. That hasn’t caused any issues, but it was a bit of a surprise that it happened fairly quickly. We’ve done it intentionally more because we can, than by accident.
What are your future plans?
Damn! these questions are hard! 🙂
To be honest, we’re not really sure! We’ve certainly talked a lot about possibilities:
My wife may decide to find a part-time job in retail or something like that, but she/we are in no rush with that. Frankly, I’ll be surprised if this happens.
Once my house projects are pretty much done, I may offer my services as a handyman or build things in my small workshop (currently building an Adirondack settee with a wood-working friend).
We want to travel more, but in so many ways we already feel like we’re on a permanent vacation. As a result, we don’t feel the necessity to “get away” or to find time to recharge like we did when working. We are in the process of budgeting some trips to Europe as well as in the US to areas we’ve never been, but we’re taking it slowly.
How has your financial plan performed compared to what you had estimated before retirement?
So far, so good!
Although under the topic of mistakes, I should have rolled my 401k to an IRA by now. I’m paying a little more than I should on fees in my 401k and we would have more options in an IRA.
It hasn’t been a big deal, for the most part, because I haven’t reached 59.5 yet and can’t take disbursements without penalty.
We have a simple investing philosophy. 50/50 equities/bonds. Using index funds to match the total stock market and bond funds.
Our net worth has increased by about $110k since we retired.
Our pensions cover about 45% of our expenses (~$90k/yr) so we need to make up about $50k per year from our investments. We should be able to cover that fairly easily with dividends and interest as well as harvesting some gains each year.
In down market years we plan to reduce or curtail drawdowns from our portfolio (other than dividends and interest) and use our emergency backup funds.
Here’s our current financial picture:
Net worth $1.76M
- $225K in home equity
- $1.290M Retirement Accounts (401K, Roth)
- $100K Cash, Emergency Fund, etc.
- $145K Cars and Boat (debt-free)
How are you handling Social Security, required minimum distributions, tax issues and the like?
Since we’re still about 3 & 5 years out respectively from early SS availability and we haven’t made a firm decision.
Our advisor is suggesting we take it as soon as possible because that, along with our pensions, interest and dividends would cover almost our entire budget.
I’m not certain that is the best path but we’ll analyze/consider as we get closer.
I am considering taking yearly disbursements from my tax deferred funds to reduce RMDs (and their tax bite) over the next 10 years. I need to do some more math to determine whether that’s prudent or not.
Federal taxes (estimated) are included in our budgeting. And one of the benefits of living in FL is there are no state or local taxes on income.
Did you return to paid work? Why or why not?
No, and I can’t imagine ever returning to work as an employee working for someone else.
The freedom we’ve found and enjoyed since retirement is far too precious to give up except under the most extreme of circumstances.
Did you find it hard going from being a saver to a spender?
This is one of those things that is easy to think about and plan for, but until you start spending from those savings it’s hard to imagine how difficult that can be.
It’s all psychological, however, and our advisor encourages us to relax and spend carefully but old habits are hard to break!
Looking back, what do you wish you knew in advance?
I wish I knew:
- That Roth IRA’s might have been better than putting everything in my 401k earlier in my career.
- That with a little more discipline, knowledge and courage we could have retired even sooner (sound familiar ESI?)
- More in-depth knowledge of investing. I’m working on that now!
What advice do you have for those wanting to retire?
- If you have the financial ability and you’ve done all your due diligence, go for it!
- Expect retirement to be somewhat different than you think, and to that point, think about and consider all the questions asked and answered in this and other retirement interviews.
- Try to rehearse it, if you can, on some future vacation, sabbatical or extended leave.
- It is not all about the money! It is about planning out a fulfilling retirement.
- Work is just that…work. Your time is not your own. Life is too short to have someone telling you what to do every day. Trading your limited time on this earth for money is not the end game.
- We never took our eye off the goal and always understood that work (at least for us), while worthy and fulfilling, was only ever a means to the wonderful end that we’re living now.
Thank you once again, ESI, for the opportunity to tell our story. We can only hope that it helps or possibly inspires others to follow a similar path. I can’t wait to read the others in this series. We still have a lot to learn, and look forward to that each and every day.
Jeff Kerley says
Excellent information.
Majority of your thoughts have been same as mine with just retiring at 57 after 34 year career as finance and IT executive.
Going from saving to spending mind set is very difficult for me as well.
Loved it.
Enjoy FL and your time!!!
RI-6 says
Thank you and best of luck in your retirement!
Razorback 14 says
One of my favorite quotes, which I live every day, is: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
Thanks for sharing all about your retirement—— insightful and very helpful.
20 more months and we’ll be done for good too. My story is much like yours (while working) and it seems that many of the fears you had about “pulling the trigger” are my fears as well.
Example: Leaving healthy incomes now ——. Staying busy during retirement (management of time) and how much money do you a actually need during retirement—- and my biggest fear is learning how to be become a true consumer (moving from accumulating to spending) —- my wife (we’ve been together for 40 yrs) keeps telling me to worry about something else —- She will teach me how to spend — haha
Congrats and again, thanks for taking the time to share our with me/us.
Golfnut says
Great insight and story. I have been retired 9 months now and found we had many similarities with your experience. Especially the social aspect of not packing too much into your calendar. In the first 7 months of retirement we spent 30 days in our home. We wish you guys all the best and thanks for sharing your experience.
ESI says
Wow! Where did you go in those seven months? (Dying to know…)
Golfnut says
Hmmm well we started the bucket list early in 2018 before I retired……here was the travel that we did: Singapore, Saigon, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Danang….etc, the Phoenix Open, The Masters, Mackinaw Island, Armish country, Brown County Indiana, Lake Cumberland, Red Sox/Astro’s playoff, Chicago, Hawaii for 10 days, Orlando, Several Grandkid visits, Tupelo MS (“Blue Suede Cruise Car Show”), Seattle……and I probably forgot a couple! Don’t recommend this but a hell of a start! 2019 has been packed as well but slowing down a bit, I have committed that 2020 will be slower, but Pebble Beach is already booked!
ESI says
RI-6 says
Thanks Golfnut! Sounds like you’re enjoying your retirement too! All the best!
RI-6 says
“wife will teach me how to spend” … good one!
20 months will fly by… ready… set…!
Golfnut says
“She will teach me how to spend”………loved it, I didn’t know my wife had a twin!!
Laurie@ThreeYear says
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences! Sounds like retirement has been all you imagined plus more. We also moved from New England to the South (North Carolina) and are enjoying the increased health benefits and socialization that come from a warmer climate and “warmer” culture. But, like you, we sometimes feel overwhelmed by the new social aspects of our lives. Like ESI, I’m thinking of putting a stop to the lunches/get-togethers during the day, as they take so much time and focus away from my goals.
I’m having a taste of mini-retirement this year since I’m not working (it’s awesome but also strangely without purpose!) but my husband and I won’t fully retire for another ten years, when our youngest goes to college. We’ve been thinking of moving after retirement, but I want him to have a home to come home to, so it may be a few years after retirement that we move/downsize our house.
It sounds like you’ve had a well-thought-out plan which you executed precisely. I do have one question: what kind of financial advisor do you use? From which company? Has it been worth the money you pay him/her?
RI-6 says
Thanks Laurie!
Prior to retirement we went to a paid advisor for a one-time sanity check of our plans. She was great in that she helped us research all of the work benefits we had coming as well as confirming that we were ready to launch.
Currently we’re using a free advisor at Fidelity. He’s given us some insights and recommendations that we will likely pursue. He has, however, tried to urge us towards their managed portfolio of income producing stocks and bond ladder. Although it’s less costly (.5% of our portfolio) than other paid advisors we’ve recently interviewed (all around 1%), we just don’t feel comfortable being so narrowly focused on the stock side (he’s reco’ing a group of about 50 stocks). I just don’t feel that is nearly as diversified as we should be.
So we’ll likely just stay with a grouping of equity and bond index funds.
Phillip says
I’m also using a “free” Fidelity adviser. He hasn’t tried to push me towards any managed portfolio (yet) but we wouldn’t go for it anyways. We’re primarily maintaining a mostly indexed based stock portfolio composed of ETFs and low cost funds. I honestly don’t see why you need to pay for a managed service. We just buy low cost index ETFs/Funds and have our free adviser review it every quarter (or less) and make adjustments if needed.
Chris says
Great interview and thanks for the shout out to the blog and Darrow’s book. I’m amazed at the parallels that we all go through and how universal many of these themes are.
My “retirement” was at 41 compared to 59 here, I immediately devoted a fair amount of my new found free time to writing rather than a more traditional retirement, and we timed our move around getting settled before my daughter started kindergarten while this example was moving as soon as child was done with college.
Still as I read the positives and negatives, it felt like I was reading many of my own words. Thanks for sharing so candidly and thanks ESI for asking compelling questions and asking others the space to share. Great stuff.
RI-6 says
You’re welcome Chris. I’ve come to enjoy your writing interspersed with Darrow’s and hope that others find it compelling as well.
Darrow’s was really the first blog I started reading regularly and it provided the insight as well as the courage to take this step.
Kristy says
Thank you RI6. Sharing your experiences is so valuable to our RE community.
Time – I won’t have too much time on my hands, as my elderly mother is still living in her home, and as one of her caregivers (I stay with her 2 nights/week); and am co-representative for a recently deceased sibling, and spending at least one day per week working with it. At this rate, it will take a year to complete. So I have more than enough on my plate.
I am hoping I can get my husband to start reading these and get the bug. I’ve been actively reviewing our accounts & saving every dollar I can, to work towards this goal. On the Roth IRA, I too, wish I would have been saving in this vehicle sooner than I was, it could have made a huge difference in where we are at today.
Congratulations on retiring early. Find your balance is a journey itself, I’m sure.
RI-6 says
Thanks Kristy!
Yes, balance is a great way of putting it. Finding that is still a work in progress… but a fun one!
Tasheka says
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I really enjoyed your interview and story! I also work in project management and I’m very detailed too with my spreadsheets and budget. I sincerely appreciated the level of detail you shared. I’m currently putting the majority of my eggs into my 401K at work. I also have a traditional IRA from a couple of accounts that I rolled over. I’m still learning about the different types of investment vehicles that will help me reach my goals. I’m glad you mentioned the Roth IRA because it encouraged me to do some research.
RI-6 says
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on our story Tasheka. I’m honored that you found some value in our experience.
I’ve received so much knowledge from others sharing their thoughts and advice over the years on this site and many others, that it feels good to give a little back.
In regard to the Roth… if we hadn’t had our home equity to fall back on over the last couple of years to support our spending and to make improvements to our home we might not have been able to retire when we did. By the time I was aware of, and could contribute to, a Roth our income was such that we were limited in terms of contributions.
TennisNut says
I enjoy reading all of these interviews but especially those where the interviewee is in a similar situation to our own, as is the case here. I retired at 59 and my wife retired 4 months after I did. We are both grateful to have pensions and group healthcare through my former employer up until 65.
We could have retired earlier anytime after I reached 55 but those “extra” 4 years made a significant difference in our financial preparedness. We have a larger safety net as a result, but sometimes I think it would have been better to place a higher value on the extra time.
Regardless, no regrets as we’re healthy and active thus far.
Kudos on pulling up stakes and moving to a better climate! Family care giving is keeping us in our area for now, but a recent trip to the gulf coast of Florida has us thinking.
RI-6 says
Thanks TN
Gulf coast is a hard place not to like!
Tom Murin says
Great read. I have one bit of advice – if you haven’t already moved the money from your 401K to the IRA – you can make a penalty-free withdrawal for all or part of the money. This is known as the “rule of 55.” It applies to the 401K if you leave your job for any reason. I learned all about it when I recently switched jobs (I’m 56). It’s not widely publicized and the information packet I got from my 401K provider didn’t include this information.
RI-6 says
Thanks for the info Tom.
I’ll be 59.5 shortly so that concern/opportunity is now moot. But good that other people in a similar situation now know about it!
MCCMS says
Yes I enjoyed this very much. We are the same age group and location.
You covered a lot of the details that I want to know. I think it helps with the fear of the unknown for me… and I am getting close.
A lot of my own retirement and fears are the same, your insights are all relevant to me and I feel very honest. Thank you!
RI-6 says
Thank you for the kind words… glad to have helped!
Nancy says
Thank you so much for sharing your retirement story. I really enjoyed this particular interview probably because your wife was a teacher and I could relate to that. I was a teacher in Canada for 37 years – not all full time and interspersed with years off for maternity leaves and childcare – ended up being the equivalent of 26 years of full time teaching. I am surprised that your combined pensions are only around 40K. After working as a teacher in Canada at a hypothetical 60K salary our pension would be indexed to inflation and start at 36K. The actual salary of a Canadian teacher at retirement now is around 100K and our pension is calculated at 2% per year of full time work, so a 30 year teacher would have an indexed pension of 60K. We consider ourselves extremely lucky as my husband and I both were educators and now reap the benefits of all those years, with pensions that cover all our day to day living costs. With the addition of our OAS and CPP, government pensions somewhat equivalent to your Social Security, we often actually have unspent money left each year that we role into our investments – if we choose not to spend it on something special!
I am thoroughly enjoying reading all these interviews even though they are in the US and we in Canada have different retirement plans – no 401K etc – we do have RRSPs and TFSAs which are somewhat equivalent. I realize I may be a very small audience but I wish there were a Canadian site that was conducting similar retirement interviews. Thanks again for sharing!
RI-6 says
Congrats on 37 years in the teaching profession and those pensions are great!
They are quite different here in the US and differ by state.
In any case, we have absolutely no complaints. We’re blessed to have pensions at all. Most people these days don’t even have that luxury.
Jeff says
Awesome information and all very relatable. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer the questions. I love the “These questions are hard” comment. I’m MI-96 and I remember saying the same thing.
Your retirement story is the most relatable to mine. I’m 52 and I’m going to experience much of the same emotions you did. I just gave my notice a couple months ago and will be leaving in early Sept., a month before turning 53. I’m anxious to eventually transition from MI-96 to RI-XX.
I love that your story is so real and relatable, not done with mega-millions but well thought out, in perspective and so “real” in what you shared. Being mostly an introvert myself I could see the same thing happening.
I do have a side hustle that would allow me to put as much time in as I want to help me stay active and engaged but we will be paying health insurance out of pocket, inc. for our 20 year old daughter.
I’m really looking forward to experience those items you just can’t prepare for until you actually pull the cord. Going to be hard but I’m very ready for a period of redefinition.
Thank you for your Story
Jeff (MI-96)
RI-6 says
Thanks Jeff. I tried to make it as real as I could. That’s our story and I’m sticking to it! 🙂
Good luck with your pending adventure. The leap is hard but where you land is worth it!
GT says
Jeff (MI-96)
I’ll be 52 in 7 years and that’s my goal! Should be very well prepared at that time to retire.I’ll keep an eye out for your Retirement Article.
Nancy says
Thanks your for your retirement story. I am enjoying all these interviews. It is great to see and compare notes on how people from different walks of life have planned for and dealt with the change from working and saving to retirement and spending. Could you just clarify if the dollar amounts you mention in your interview for your annual spending 90K and pension income 40K and investment income 50K are all before tax dollars or after tax dollars? Thanks and continue to enjoy your retirement. As I like to say – It’s the best job I’ve ever had!
RI-6 says
Thanks Nancy.
We will be taxed on all distributions for both pensions as well as dividends and interest that come from our tax sheltered accounts. The $90k of spending includes what I have estimated to cover taxes on our withdrawals… so our actual living expenses are slightly lower.
But in my forward looking budget, I bump it each year about 2-3% so we’ll be at $100k sooner than later!
I have read about and can now confirm that what you think you’ll spend is likely less than what you will spend. That’s an important thing to consider for those about to take the plunge. Pad your retirement budget generously!
Joseph F Bryner says
Thanks for your candid (!) story. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Keep it up.
At one point you said:
“I should have rolled my 401k to an IRA by now. I’m paying a little more than I should on fees in my 401k and we would have more options in an IRA.”
If you are just looking for greater investment/management flexibility, you probably can roll your 401k into a regular IRA without penalty – ask your accountant about that.
I was concerned about the money in our IRA’s, especially since our income in retirement was going to increase beyond our current income when we applied for Social Security. Therefore, I began “rolling over” IRA funds to a Roth, based on our accountant’s advice of how much additional income we could tolerate before going into the next tax bracket. You will have to pay taxes on the rolled over amount (luckily we had the ability to do that with other money). It took 5 years, but I moved it all with no RMD’s and before we really got hit with extra taxes from increased SS income.
Great post, thanks.
RI-6 says
Thanks Joseph. Yes, I’m aware of being able to roll over without penalty or tax concerns. I have kind of procrastinated on that a bit. But that’s gonna get corrected shortly! 😉
And good point on the Roth conversions. We are beginning to research and identify how much we can do in that area.
Cathy says
Thanks for your retirement story! I really love this new series as I continue to learn! RI6 I am 5 years out from retirement and am very interested in your experience with retirement calculators. Currently I have a cash flow analysis I did in excell.
RI-6 says
Thanks Cathy. I totally geek-out with my excel sheets too.
However, a good calculator like Pralana Gold (and no, I do not have any financial stake in that company) really helped verify for us that we were ready to go. That thing can do some really impressive scenario planning.
Good luck with your pending retirement. At one point we thought we had 5 years to go and came to find out that we could do it in 3… and glad we did.
MI81 says
Thank you for all of the great details! Always wonderful to hear about your real life retirement experience and approach.
You mentioned you are still deciding on when to take Social Security. Please run your numbers using a calculator like this to help you think through the options:
You can search about this topic in for additional discussions.
Wishing you all the best!
RI-6 says
Thanks MI81.
I’ve built a speadsheet that represents three different scenarios for both of us… 62, 67 and 70. When I compared all scenarios it kind of comes down to when we want to spend our money. Right now we’re leaning towards taking it early to spend it now. Yes, we’ll ultimately get less over time but our breakeven is around 80 yrs old.
But I’ll take a look at the references you suggested above. Maybe my perspective will change. Thanks again!
Golfnut says
RI6 we struggle w the same decision on SS. I turned 62 this year but haven’t decided. At 78-80 break even hopefully our bucket list will be minimal and and good health. That is the big unknown!! Every case is different but I’m leaning to taking it early since we both have pensions, enjoy it while we are healthy and able to travel.
Fire Year FIRE escape says
I completely echo how hard it is to leave a good team at work. Work is stressful and was my motivation to retire early but my team was fantastic so I felt like I was letting them down to leave when I didn’t have to.
Either way, I had to go through that sometime and I’m much happier for pulling the plug.
Tom says
Great interview – thanks for sharing! Inspiring to hear about your decision to walk away from $220k/year salaries. That’s what we’re wrestling with right now as my wife contemplates when she will make that decision (I already have). Scary thought – but great advice: just do it! Thanks!
RI-6 says
You’re welcome! Glad to have helped.
No question it’s a tough call. It’s as difficult emotionally as it is financially.
Husband and wife being on the same page is critical. Once you quit it’s too late for regrets or changing your mind. When you’re together pretty much 24/7, you dont want to hear “this was a bad decision!” each day.
Good luck with your decision and ultimately your retirement!
Steeler75 says
Great interview.
I could be your mirror image here on the left coast. Our situations are almost exactly the same, from dual pensions, savings amount, asset allocation, spouse is a teacher, but just a few years younger, i retired last year at 54 but my wife has a couple more years to go until she is eligible for retirement. Great per,king having medical benefits from recent employer at same cost.
Will be staying here in California to help with elderly parents and younger daughter (15) until she gets into college. By that time my wife will be retired. Looking at the possibility of relocating to LCOL state, and reaping the benefit of selling our home to clear another million net for investments.
Thanks again or your write-ups here and in millionaire interview.
P.S. I am looking into Roth conversions over the next 7 years until S.S. is taken at 62 and while tax rates are low prior to snap back in 2026.
RI-6 says
Thank you!
Best of luck with your pending retirement!