As noted in My Third Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar, my wife and I accepted an invitation to meet with Dustin (financial planner) and Gregg (Chief Investment Officer) from Accelerated Wealth. They had done an impressive enough job at the presentation to convince us it was worth an hour, plus I had a few questions I wanted to run by them, so why not? In … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2020
Three Career Resolutions to Make You Millions
Ok, I'm guilty! Not only am I posting one New Year's resolution article (the first was my "12 books" post), but I'm now publishing a second one! What gives? Well, I'm adding several guest posts I've done for other sites on ESI Money and this one just happens to work for this time of year. Plus, I can't have too many "make more money at your career" posts, can I? I … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 171
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. My questions are in bold italics and his responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How old are you (and spouse if applicable, plus how … [Read more...]
My Third Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar
I know, I know. I'm starting to get hooked on these things! Ha! In case you haven't been following along, I've written about the first and second direct mail retirement seminars my wife and I have attended. After the second one, I didn't know if we'd go to another one, but turns out we did! I'm glad we did since this was a good one for a few different reasons. But … [Read more...]
Why I Bought Rockstar Finance After I Retired
Here's a fun post I think you're going to enjoy. I liked rereading the article since it was like visiting a bit of history. As many of you know, I bought a financial curation website called Rockstar Finance at the end of 2017. I worked on it for a bit over a year, growing and monetizing it, then sold it for over twice what I paid for it in March 2019. Since then, … [Read more...]
My Second Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar
When I wrote My Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar (and the associated post How to Prepare in Advance for a Great Retirement) I noted I had accepted an invitation for another retirement seminar. I attended a second one for a couple reasons. First, I was surprised by how good the first one was. Perhaps I had mistakenly stereotyped these as spammy, hard-sales … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 170
Here’s our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. My questions are in bold italics and his responses follow in black. Let's get started... OVERVIEW How old are you (and spouse if applicable, plus how … [Read more...]
Top 10 Ways to Become Wealthy While Earning a Pittance
Well, it's that time again. Time to address the "it's easy to be wealthy if you make a lot of money, what about becoming wealthy if you earn little?" crowd. But this time it's going to be a bit different. You see, I think I've made a mistake. Here I've been writing about growing your career, creating a side hustle, investing in real estate, and the like so you could … [Read more...]
The Top 10 Factors to Consider Before Retiring
I've recently been to two retirement planning seminars (one I've already posted about in My Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar and the second coming soon). After thinking about what the events offered and how financial advisors use these seminars to solicit new customers, I think I have a great idea for planners looking to court the soon-to-retire crowd. That … [Read more...]
How to Prepare in Advance for a Great Retirement
When I wrote My Experience at a Direct Mail Retirement Seminar I promised that I would do a separate post on the main presentation they gave us at the seminar. This is that post. In between arriving at the event and the Q & A at the end, the majority of our meeting time was a presentation titled "Retire on Purpose." Basically it's a summary of what you need to … [Read more...]