Many eons ago, I was a young business school graduate at my first “real” job.
I was working for a company that was then (and is still) in the top 50 Fortune 500 companies.
Needless to say, I was pretty green, a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed country boy from Iowa, now in the “big city” to make my dreams come true. Cue the theme song from the Mary Tyler Moore show!
Up to this point, I considered myself a fairly organized person. I had to be at least somewhat competent as I needed to manage school, extracurricular activities, and life in general to move ahead.
I didn’t have a complicated process for getting things done. My aunt had taught me the art of list-making, so that was my primary way of managing life.
But now I was in the Big Leagues and needed to take my organizational skills to the next level. I didn’t know this, of course, because I was so green (did I mention that?)
Thankfully someone at my company did. I hadn’t been there for more than a month or two when I was sent to a seminar on time management, organization, goal setting, and achievement.
Companies like those sorts of things, you know? They wanted to mold me into one of their employee automatons.
Funny side story, one of the first days on the job my boss told me to forget everything I had learned in grad school — that they would teach me how to do marketing in the real world. Ha!
The seminar I attended was run by a company called Franklin Quest. The presenter was the founder of the company, a man named Hyrum Smith. My guess is that at this point, he was building his company and did everything — sales, strategy, and hosting seminars.
Hyrum was very energetic, funny, passionate, and engaging. Over the few days of the course, he taught our class his system for setting goals and then systematically planning and working to achieve them.
Over the next several years, I used his system with great success to set and accomplish goals at work and home. One key was managing the process with a system, which was executed by using what they called a Day Planner, a planning book that helped set and track goals, daily tasks, and the like.
It was a vital part of my life and I took it everywhere (another one of his principles — always carry the book with you). It had so much of my life in it that I often told people I would run into a burning building to save it.
I wasn’t joking.
Eventually we both moved on. Hyrum’s company became a great success, merged with the Covey Leadership Center (yes, Stephen Covey’s company — BTW, his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People would be another that had a profound impact on my life), and he became Chairman and CEO of FranklinCovey. Unfortunately he died at the end of 2019 from cancer.
My career wasn’t as illustrious as Hyrum’s but was still a success, much of which can be credited to using his time management system. Over time I moved away from the paper planner on to electronic options, but the fundamentals he taught me were still used — and are still the foundation of the process I use to this very day.
Needless to say, I’m very grateful to Hyrum for his contribution to my life.
So when I was searching in Amazon for books on retirement (which I have been known to do) imagine my surprise when I ran into one called Purposeful Retirement: How to Bring Happiness and Meaning to Your Retirement written by none other than Hyrum Smith.
Of course I had to have it, so I contacted his publisher and they sent me a review copy.
I was a bit afraid to read it because I wanted it to be good (it’s a terrible thing when your heroes don’t live up to your expectations). Thankfully it was and I found the book both unique (he has an interesting perspective as you’ll see) and entertaining (lots of stories). It was a very enjoyable read and over the next couple posts I want to share some of the book’s main points with you — adding my commentary along the way.
Don’t Just Retire
The book’s foundation is a belief Smith has that no one should simply retire and then check out from life (which was the old-school way to retire).
He insists that retirement should be among your best years. And it can be, if you take steps to make it so.
In other words, if you’re purposeful in planning and running your retirement.
Sounds just like a time management guy, huh? š
There is a lot of that to be sure, but it’s not over-the-top IMO, so stick with me.
The book begins with this admonition:
Donāt just retire. Donāt you dare check out and just retire.
Why? Because people who retire die. Itās an absolute fact. Researchers took a look at employees of a global oil company who chose to retire early at 55 and compared them to employees who retired at the traditional age of 65.
The study found those who retired early died sooner. The early retirees had a 37 percent higher risk of death and those that retired at 55 were 89 percent more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement than those who retired at 65.
Just donāt retire from living.
Take this gift of time. Take this gift of opportunity. Take this gift and redirect your life. Take this gift and purposefully redirect your retirement.
First of all, yikes!!!
Did I sign my early death warrant by retiring early? 89% is a pretty high number…
That said, it’s no surprise. It’s well-known that those who retire to “nothing” often have problems, including a shorter life span.
So if nothing else makes you want to at least have a semblance of a plan for retirement, these stats should.
Setting goals and planning to achieve them, what Smith worked on his entire life, is certainly purposeful. And he wants retirement to be run with the same sort of intentionality. He doesn’t want us to just let life happen but to make it what we want.
I agree. We’ve talked about this many times in other books plus our discussions — if you retire to something, you’ll be much better off than if you have no idea what to do in retirement.
Here’s his summary of what the book is about:
The purpose of this book is to get you to start thinking about options for your retirement and hopefully put together a plan ā be it formal or informal ā for retirement, and have that plan make a purposeful difference in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Sound good? I thought you’d think so.
Creating a Plan
This is going to be a shocker for you (yes, I’m being sarcastic), but Smith wants you to create a detailed plan for your retirement.
This is basic life planning 101 that is very similar to what he taught me all those years ago: decide what you want to achieve and then make a plan (which eventually breaks down into tasks) to make it happen.
At the heart of this is having a daily plan. Yes, a DAILY plan.
Here’s his take on it:
Daily planning gives you a shield against being lost in busyness. It takes you out of the busy world and into the productive world.
I do have a have a daily plan; and it keeps me productive. Not busy. Productive.
In my daily plan, I set aside one hour every day to check my email and read articles which come into my inbox. It helps me not get lost in a false reality, in a sea of Zalmonzo coupons. It helps me stay proactive and not reactive, something Iāve written about extensively in other books.
If I have a daily plan, I am proactive. If I do not have a plan, I will be reactive to whatever comes my way throughout the day. Iāll be busy, but at the end of the day, Iāll recognize that today was not a day that mattered, and I will be unsatisfied.
He then comments on the broader issue of why to plan with the following:
It is putting what matters most to you in line and as the focus of your day. And then youāll experience inner peace. Thatās the quest of time management. Thatās where we start really managing our lives and getting our lives back, because we are deciding what events matter and putting those events in sequence in a manner which makes sense to us and not letting other things get in the way.
The option is clear: either you consciously plan and decide how you want to fill your time and act purposefully or you allow outside forces to fill your time for you.
I think you can see where this is going. If you’ve ever attended a time management seminar or read a book about getting things done, it’s pretty clear.
I have several thoughts on this:
- People who retire early probably have some sort of system to manage their lives already. They had to have had one to get where they are (no one retires early successfully by accident), and since it’s working, why not stick with it in retirement?
- I still set annual goals and then track them with Todoist on a daily basis. It’s ingrained in me from years in the workforce but is also a valuable tool I want to keep so I know I’m accomplishing what I want.
- That said, I do NOT have a daily plan — at least for most days. That would be a bit too constricting for a life that should be more relaxed IMO. Instead I have a general plan of how I want the day to go. That usually includes getting up between 6 am and 7 am, heading to the gym to workout by 7:30 am at the latest, coming home and eating, and a bit of computer work (like writing an article). From there I can continue working or instead insert an activity or two into the day. It’s fairly certain that my wife and I will take a walk at some point, but the time isn’t set in stone. And sometime around 4 pm I am ready to pack it in. We eat, watch some TV, do some miscellaneous tasks (but nothing too cerebral), and it’s soon bedtime.
- I like having a general plan. For me it gives enough structure that I get the important things done, but it’s not so constraining that I feel like every second of my life is planned. I had enough of that while working.
- To be clear, the book is not over-the-top with the planning aspect for retirement. It simply sets a framework to help retirees decide what they want to make of their retirement and then develop a system to make that a reality.
- I would say it’s “time management light” retirement.
This may or may not appeal to you, but I would suggest that even in retirement we still have goals and things we want to accomplish. If you have a plan and a system, you’re way more likely to do them than if you simply “try” to get them done.
Seven Retirement Activity Ideas
After a few chapters on deciding what you want your retirement to be like and planning to make it happen, the book moves into offering some ideas (in case you need some help in creating your purposeful retirement).
The book talks about the need to be active in retirement, advocating activities that are similar to the core pursuits idea we saw in You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think.
This book focuses on seven potential ideas where you can spend your retirement time.
Let’s review these…
1. Work
LOL! Didn’t we just retire? And this guy wants us to go back to work? Ha!
Hyrum talks about the fact that many people fail at retirement (which we’ve also previously discussed) and that maybe going back to work is the best way they can spend their retirement years.
But since they don’t need the money, they can select work that they enjoy and gives meaning to their lives.
He then shares several examples of people who have done just that. Many take the skills they have learned over a long career and serve a non-profit in some way. This is a total win-win. The person gets the benefits of a “job” and the charity gets some great experience and knowledge at a bargain price.
The idea of going back to work is a total no-go for me. Kind of.
There is NO WAY I want to go back to a “regular” job of any kind. I can’t take the politics, the rigid schedule (I would have to be somewhere at a specific time — yikes!), and so forth. Even for a charity, I can’t do it (I can volunteer my time here and there though.)
That said, I do kind of have a job now — running ESI Money. I really enjoy doing so and it’s a “job” that fits me — it’s completely flexible and has no requirements. I don’t have to make money (though I do), so there’s no pressure. I enjoy writing and interacting with readers, so those are the two things I focus on. I have a gazillion ideas of how to make it bigger, earn more, and so on, but I pursue very few of those because I don’t need to and to do so would probably make me less happy.
So maybe this idea is part of my retirement life after all.
2. Volunteer.
This is a big one and Hyrum spends a lot of time on it.
Here are some highlights from the book:
Through MRI technology, we now know that giving activates the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by food and sex. Experiments show evidence that altruism is hardwired in the braināand itās pleasurable. Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.
If people feel they are making a difference, they want to get out of bed in the morning. People who volunteer have a higher level of self-esteem and overall well-being. They feel connected to the world around them. They benefit from a feeling of community and feel less lonely and isolated.
A study published in BMC Public Health concluded that taking time to volunteer ā by serving in a soup kitchen or reading to others ā could reduce early mortality rates by 22 percent, compared to those who do not volunteer.
āOur systematic review shows that volunteering is associated with improvements in health,ā lead author Dr. Suzanne Richards of the University of Exeter Medical School in England wrote.
Ok, now we’re talking. Maybe by volunteering I can get back some of the life I lost in retiring early. LOL!
Volunteering is a GREAT option in retirement because it has three awesome benefits: it gives the retiree something to do/contribute, it helps others (giving meaning to the time), and it’s a social activity (something retirees need.)
Currently I volunteer as a greeter at church. In addition I’m on the hunt for a higher-level volunteer position, one that utilizes my business and past volunteering skills (like fundraising). I have a few leads and will let you know if something solid materializes.
3. Develop talents.
In this section, Hyrum asks the reader to dream a bit and think about talent-related activities you’ve always wanted to do. Some ideas:
- Learn to play the piano (or any instrument).
- Take up art/painting.
- Start cycling (bike, not motor), though the latter could be an activity too.
- Begin writing.
- Take up photography.
- Become handy. (If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.) š
You get the idea. Think of a talent you want to develop and get to it.
BTW, this idea closely follows the next, so there is some overlap between the two.
I discovered early in life that I don’t have much talent, at least with anything that requires coordination.
In fact the only C I ever got in school was in a typing class in high school. It was at that point I decided never to take any class that required talent and only select those that focused on intellect/hard work. I did well after that.
That said, I guess I became a writer over the years, something strange for a person who clearly favored math over English. Whether or not you can call it a “talent” is something for others to decide.
But I do enjoy it and write more than ever in retirement, cranking out four posts a week here.
So perhaps this is on my list as well.
4. Learn.
This activity is closely related to the last one since you have to learn to develop a talent.
But with this point Hyrum is generally talking about gaining knowledge.
Some examples of ideas in this area:
- Study great literature.
- Form a book club.
- Learn a new word every week.
- Learn to cook.
- Learn to play a musical instrument (see, a talent).
- Learn a new language.
- Study history.
- Research your family history.
- Visit an art museum.
He then gives the admonition to “take care of your brain”, but doesn’t go much further than that. I think we all know that it’s important to keep ourselves sharp and challenge our minds in retirement, so maybe he doesn’t need to say anything else.
I have always loved to learn and spend a lot of time in retirement doing so.
I read regularly — on the web, while walking (listen to books), in the car, books while in my TV chair with the cat laying on my lap (my favorite!), and so on.
I mostly read about personal finance (I know, a shocker) but also enjoy reading about chess (fiction and non-fiction) and history. I just finished a book called The Death’s Head Chess Club which was a story about chess in Auschwitz, the Nazi concentration camp in World War II. Yes, it’s a piece of fiction, but was very good.
Almost every day I read something of substance.
I also listen to a wide variety of podcasts.
Plus I’ve added taking some “free” money classes by attending direct mail retirement seminars. Do those count? Ha!
5. Leave a legacy.
The idea here is to create something that outlives you.
He gives the example of a Kids’ Camp started by a retiree. It will outlive her, giving back when she is gone.
He doesn’t dig into this issue deeply so it’s a bit vague, but I suppose you can leave a financial legacy as well.
6. Explore.
You knew we’d get to this one, right?
This is about traveling, something we’ve heard time and time again from retirees.
Traveling is the top splurge of millionaires and is usually mentioned as “something we’d like to do” by virtually every retiree/pre-retiree.
So why not make it a focus in retirement?
Two things that might hold some retirees back in this area are 1) cost and 2) physical ability.
To me, these are additional reasons to retire early and with a financial cushion to do what you want.
Of course travel doesn’t have to mean a fancy trip to an exotic location. It might be a drive to the beach and staying in a nearby campground. Not that I’d want to do that (my idea of roughing it is a Hampton Inn), but some enjoy this sort of thing.
The book gives an example of a couple who made a list of places they wanted to go and then started checking them off their list. You could do the same.
I’ve done this and my list is rather short. Basically it boils down to the fact that I want to go where it’s warm and there’s a beach with clear water. That’s it.
I’m pretty much over seeing the sights and exploring various cultures. I prefer a more relaxing vacation where the beauty of nature engulfs me.
Of course we live in Colorado, so we get that all the time. We have mountains and woods full of natural beauty. Add a beach to that and then I’m set.
The one exception for me is that if our son goes to Italy, I’d go there again. It’s been a long time since I’ve been there, my ancestors lived there, and if he was there it would just be enough to make us go. I’d probably do it on a cruise that hit a variety of ports in Italy and southern Europe.
My wife feels about the same (beaches) but she’s more of a homebody (she has church teaching commitments she enjoys). However she would like to go to Israel, so I guess that’s an option for us as well.
How about you? Where would you like to go?
7. Be fully present.
The point here is to talk with others — really talk.
More than talking, Smith advocates listening and engaging — not just mindlessly chitchatting.
I think the keys here are connection and being social, two things we’ve heard from other books that are important in retirement.
BTW, while the issue of being social is mentioned here, there’s an entire chapter on it later in the book.
That’s it for today. Thoughts so far?
If you want to read more, here’s part two of this series.
I also took the Franklin planner course back in 1996, I really enjoyed it and still remember the scenario āwhat would you cross the I-beam that is suspended between two buildingsā for? I liked how they took overarching goals and broke it down to daily plans- it makes sense and itās a solid system.
Thanks for the review of the book, and you are a very good and clear writer. Iām looking forward to part 2.
How to have a purposeful life:
Don’t just work
Create a plan
7 life activity ideas:
1) Work
2) Strategize
3) Develop talents
4) Learn
5) Leave a legacy
6) Explore
7) Be fully present
Fill in the blanks accordingly by your own lights and will.
I started with a Franklin Planner, then evolved to making my own planning system with Moleskins, and now Iām almost fully electronic (with the exception of brainstorming books using Field Notes notebooks. The thing I miss about my paper planner (which was 65 pages long) was the monthly review it required. Every 30 days I created a new month, 2-pages per day, with several pages in the back to record significant actions and note their page in the book. I miss putting those little books together on Saturday every month. Iād take photos, print them on an index card, and glue that card to the font of the book. It was a fun activity.
Back before the digital age, I used a day planner that was a three-ring binder that stayed on my work desk. It was wonderful, and I was often teased about my multi-colored Post-its that were used throughout.
At work, I also inherited a set of hanging file folders for each month of the year. I still use them, and they are wonderful for those to dos that are infrequent to dos such as insurance, estimated tax payments, and annual doctor appointments. I can also tuck in a magazine article such as face-painting ideas for October.
Sharing digital calendars has been great for coordinating schedules. My husband sometimes has me come in to witness legal documents, and he can set the appointments with the clients more quickly since he can easily check my calendar.
During the holidays, both sons and significant others visited. In advance, my husband and I brainstormed on things to do, some with specific dates and many that were very flexible. These were spread over the counter for all to see, and we collaborated on each dayās schedule one day at a time. The guests added items, too, of course. It was great!
During the current stay at home mandate, a running list of things to get done has really helped to stay productive and not feel cornered and aimless. We are getting around to a lot of those items that are so easy to put off.
I wonder about the accuracy of the oil company study. In the first place assuming the only difference between the early retirees and the others was when they retired is likely deeply flawed. The early retirees probably are generally people unhappy with their careers who have been passed over for promotion and saw taking an early retirement package as their best bet. Those who kept working were the ones who still saw work as an opportunity to advance. In other words the retirees may have had a lot of unmotivated losers in the group while the longer workers had all the talented and ambitious winners. Itās very possible the retirement date was just a proxy for the happiness and energy level of the individual. And of course unhappy, unsuccessful and depressed people die a lot younger than people that win at life. With the advent of FIRE I suspect that study would show different results if people like you or me were included in it. We were great at what we did and still chose to leave early, that is a fairly new thing. As for day planners, I never saw the point. I just used an electronic calendar and concentrated on the important work. It worked for me. Talent and ambition trump process and systems. The real genius level talent I worked with typically did not use lists or planners, they just obsessed about solving key problems relentlessly. They were terrible at getting the small stuff taken care of but they still ended up running their company, like I did, and delegated all that other stuff to their staff.
Great book review, ESI – planning to give it a full read soon.
Extremely important that āeven in retirement we still have goals and things we want to accomplish.ā In my opinion, those plans and goals are a big part of the āwhyā for achieving early FI! Without them, whatās the point?
Becoming FI in my early forties, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to select work that I enjoy and gives meaning to my life, through both paid positions and volunteer nonprofit positions. The keys for each is they have been my choice vs necessity, based upon the purpose, a high level of interest in the work, and acceptable amounts of autonomy and flexibility.
My wife and I are similar in travel mindset. Having spent many years living all over the world, desire to explore new cultures has been satisfied for the most part (although a trip to Israel remains on our list as well). At this point, we are more focused on spending longer periods of time in our favorite areas, planning to spend a few months down under in Aus/NZ every winter (their summer) once the kiddos are all over 18.
Studies of early retirement affect on longevity are often flawed since they ignore retiree’s health status. A significant number of people retire early due to underlying health issues, preventing them from continuous employment. These health issues force them to retire early and often lead to early deaths. These studies also ignore people between ages 55 and 65 who die while employed. The cause and effect seems to be very murky.
“those that retired at 55 were 89 percent more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement than those who retired at 65” Well, those that retired at 65 did no die in the preceding 10 years, unless they are zombies…
MI-169, I fully agree. Poor health clearly increases the chance of retiring early, so this is not an apples-to-apples comparison. I have heard the same of claims that an active intellectual lifestyle after retirement reduces dementia and improves mental acuity and longevity in retirement. (Because early dementia reduces the ability and desire to do things, those who are active are a less-compromised pool.) That said, I fully agree with ESI and others that active, purposeful retirement strategies must help with all of the above, as well as improve happiness.
Kind of funny, this gnawing realization that ‘you people’ (lol), in the course of working so hard, aiming so damn high, reaching technical if not intellectual or emotional milestones, meanwhile blathering on about it at GREAT length (just like moi) for anyone that possibly cares to listen, have indeed left emulation of The Joneses as we knew them in the dust of your massive accomplishments. Congratulations! Except . . . it’s precisely what you’ve all become. YOU are the new, irritating, globe-trotting, braggadocious Joneses incarnate, may the good lord help you. Good luck winning over the growing number of starving masses, however; they’d sooner kick in your mansion doors and bleed all your accounts dry than . . . emulate even one of you. Yes indeed, in the wake of the Great Recession and other cultural maladies, some having morally withered away in, yes, mommy’s basement (nice), things are a little different now. But they are still instinctively privy to one of the oldest stories in this terrible, sometimes controversial world. Ever heard the line, that in the course of defeating monsters, you become one? Well, this ‘river’ flows all directions, babe, not just one, some trickle-down phenomena for the elites. The poor like it, too; they have nothing left to lose, and eyes to see you with. And yeah, really not a matter of might, or maybe, my good son. One person’s accomplishment, or nation’s victory, always someone else’s atrocity, war crime, horrifying setback, crushing defeat, end of days, what have you. Winners vs. losers, good riddance to THEM, right? Always those OTHER people (lol). No wonder misanthropy and reclusiveness come so easily . . . very subjective indeed, all of life’s myriad, sometimes chimerical, not-so-relative values. Best of luck out there, anyway, slowly cascading toward death past age 40; but it is a great struggle! Not particularly noble, or nice, but a great one. Hitler certainly thought so–what a big fat loser. Stalin, on the other hand, one of our most ‘colorful’ and ‘committed’ allies, EVER, murdered five times as many people over the course of several decades. Or think of Sherman during the Civil War; yeah, that’s one way to win. Not a very nice one. So there is great hope and opportunity still, for anyone and everyone with the proper initiative. Time, money and values; it really does change a person.
‘If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need’ — Cicero.
What a philosopher, awesome guy, great legal career, distinguished orator. Took a dislike to noble Caesar, unfortunately. By order of Mark Antony, he was murdered, his head and hands cut from him, then fastened to the Rostra. So everyone would notice, you know, render unto Caesar. A long, long way from home, my friend, thrice removed from his library, garden, and massive accomplishments. That garden, though . . . well, the Bible has a rough story concerning that. Metaphors can be helpful; I just try and not let the world i.e. other people rattle me too much, just keep moving, soldier on, see what happens. Try and look busy, Jesus is coming (lol). Saw that on a bumper sticker, many years ago.
I know, according to some sources, the mythical Joneses are overextended, broke, not real . . . whereas I’d argue, that’s just something another type of A-hole commonly says. See what Einstein said about common sense, not that he was all that (lol). What does anyone really know of others anyway, between all this loose talk, gossip and rank speculation. TMND was also a marketing ploy, for heaven’s sake. Not that it was worthless, but showing the ‘real’ numbers (explicit as all get out) doesn’t exhibit character or tell the whole story, either. The average tyrant is richer than all you neo-social climbers combined. So it goes, circle unto circle, like a great universal toilet forever spiraling into the abyss. Anyway, lunch was delicious. It’s sunny outside, things are trim, some already blooming. Until the end, kids . . .
great post. Thank you. Yes, the wife and I have been doing a lot of planning over the last year as we were supposed to FIRE this month, then head to Spain for a month to look for a place to live for a few years so we could travel around parts of Europe we have not yet explored. Then COVID hit and the stay at home order came the week before we were to give our notices at our respective employers. We decided to hold off on resigning until things open back up as our roles at our employers are even more critical at this time and we do not want to leave them in a bind. When we do begin FIRE in the few months, hopefully, we will certainly need to rethink our Europe plan until things get sorted out globally. So, this post is rather timely given our current discussions on how the first few months of FIRE will go now. Very helpful, thanks~