Last time in this series I shared some of my career history by detailing a job where I experienced promotion, success, and failure. Today I want to continue the story by giving details on the next position I held. If you recall, we left off at a point where my career had crashed and burned a bit (not that bad really, but way down from where it had been.) The company was a … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2016
Stop Acting Rich: The Relationship Between Jobs and Wealth
When I posted Stop Acting Rich Overview and Thoughts on Wealth, Habits, and Happiness I promised that I would follow up with some thoughts from Stop Acting Rich: ...And Start Living Like A Real Millionaire on jobs people have and how it impacts their net worth. This post will cover those subjects. There's lots to cover, so let's get started. High Income Doesn't Translate … [Read more...]
The Gap is the Key to Wealth
This will go without saying for most ESI Money readers...and yet I have to say it. We've talked a lot about the essentials of building wealth, how to retire early, how to become a millionaire, how to become financially independent, and a whole host of "this is how you become wealthy" posts. There is one aspect of money management that is VITAL to success and is demonstrated … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas
Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!! I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas have a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm taking off today and the weekend to be with family and hope you are doing something just as pleasant! I'll be back on Monday with a new money article. See you then! photo credit: brx0 wreath via photopin (license) … [Read more...]
What are Your Hobbies?
We're going to take a break today from talking about money. Instead we'll chat about things that money affords us that make life a bit better -- our hobbies! I got the idea from a list of hobbies of successful people. I was expecting more "sailing" and "polo" sort of answers from them so the fact that they like cartoons and novels was surprising. Who knew? Successful people … [Read more...]
Stop Acting Rich: The House You Buy Determines Your Wealth
When I posted Stop Acting Rich Overview and Thoughts on Wealth, Habits, and Happiness I promised that I would follow up with some thoughts from Stop Acting Rich: ...And Start Living Like A Real Millionaire on home ownership and how it impacts a person's net worth. This is the fulfillment of that promise. :) There's lots to share, so let's get to it. How an Expensive … [Read more...]
Not Experts: Financial Advisors
I started my Not Experts category so I would have a common location for my ramblings about the mainstream financial media and how they know little about managing money. But it appears that the category may have broader applications than I first anticipated. As exhibit #1 of that, let me take you to a recent conversation I had. A Long Path to Financial Advisor Several … [Read more...]
Millionaire Interview 3
Here's our latest interview with a millionaire as we seek to learn from those who have grown their wealth to high heights. If you'd like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. At the end, I add some comments from the interview. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let's get … [Read more...]
Buying in Bulk is Always Cheaper
Warning: You are entering the rant zone. I've been holding it in for a long time and I just can't take it any longer. Regular ESI Money readers know that I am a regular podcast listener. I've added a few more to iTunes since I wrote Lessons from a Real Estate Expert and asked for suggestions. One I picked up was NPR's Planet Money, which I am enjoying so far. But in a … [Read more...]
Stop Acting Rich Overview and Thoughts on Wealth, Habits, and Happiness
As many of you know, I read a lot. I read many financial blogs (around 200) and always have a stack of books on my shelf waiting to be read. I've been that way most of my life and thus have read thousands of books in my lifetime. I've probably read a thousand alone on the topic of personal finance, and let me say, most of them are not great. That's why I have a book … [Read more...]